Important Information for Passengers
Prohibition of Corruption, Touting, Airport Harassment, and Illicit Activities.
Welcome to our airport! We are dedicated to providing a safe and pleasant experience for all passengers. To achieve this, we enforce strict rules against corruption, touting, airport harassment, and other illicit activities. Below, you will find essential information on these topics.

Reporting Procedures

How to Report

If you encounter any incidents or observe prohibited activities, please report them through one of the following methods.
For Complaints or feedback on FAAN or any government agency within the Airports Go to: or You can also attach videos, pictures etc to support your statement.

Key Policies

Prohibition of Corruption

We strictly prohibit any form of corruption, including bribery and extortion. Engaging in corrupt activities will lead to severe consequences such as legal action, fines, and imprisonment. Our commitment to integrity ensures a fair and transparent environment for all.

No Touting Allowed

Touting involves unauthorized personnel offering services to passengers. This practice is not allowed in our airport. We encourage passengers to use only official airport services and vendors. This measure is in place to protect you from fraud and ensure the highest quality of service.

Zero Tolerance for Airport Harassment

Harassment of any kind, including physical, verbal, and sexual harassment, is not tolerated. We are committed to ensuring that all passengers and staff are treated with respect and dignity. If you experience or witness harassment, please report it immediately. All complaints will be taken seriously and addressed promptly.

Ban on Illicit Activities

Illicit activities such as smuggling and drug trafficking are strictly prohibited. Violating these rules can result in severe penalties, including arrest and prosecution. We urge all passengers to comply with airport and national laws to avoid any legal issues.


Your privacy is important to us. All reports will be handled with the utmost confidentiality. We assure you that your identity will be protected and your concerns will be addressed swiftly.